Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
another object, and the parent object is offset, keying the visual location will key the parented object's posi-
tion as it appears in the viewport, including the offset of the parent object.
Only Insert Needed Enables keyframing of necessary F-Curve values only. Values that have not changed
from frame to frame will not be keyed.
Auto Keyframing Enables automatic keyframing as a default setting for new scenes (Auto Keyframing can
otherwise be activated by clicking the red circle icon in the timeline header). With this activated, keyframes
at the current frame.
Only Insert Available Restricts automatic keyframing to only inserting keyframes on F-Curves that have
been previously created by manual keyframing.
New F-Curve Defaults Sets curve types and handle settings for newly created F-Curves. The XYZ To RGB
option sets color coding for new F-Curves.
Transform: Release Confirms Sets transformations to be automatically confirmed when you release the
mouse, in cases when transforming by dragging the manipulator.
Finally, the fourth column of the Editing preferences window contains the following settings:
Sculpt Overlay Color Sets the color used in the viewport overlay for the Texture brush in the Sculpt tools.
Duplicate Data Enables you to choose which datablocks are duplicated when you duplicate an object with
Shift+D. Datablocks that are not duplicated will be shared by the new object (you can do this on a case-by-
case basis by using Alt+D, in which case no datablocks are duplicated; all datablocks are shared by the new
Recommendations for Editing Options
The best options for editing depend on the kind of work you do. If you typically find yourself going straight into
modeling when you add a new object, you will save a step by setting the default to Switch To Edit Mode upon
adding a new option. If you do a lot of animation and you are comfortable and confident working with Ipos, en-
abling Auto-Keyframing may speed up your workflow. For beginning animators, I think it's better to set your
keyframes deliberately by hand until you are sure you have the hang of it. For Keyframing, the Only Insert
Needed option is useful to keep unnecessary keyframes from being set. For the Duplicate Data settings, if you
find that you rarely want a duplicated object to share an Ipo curve with the original object, you may want to se-
lect Ipo in addition to the currently set defaults.
The Input user preferences context is shown in Figure 1-18 .
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