Graphics Reference
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Render options are managed in the Render tab. The options available in the Render tab are as follows:
None When you select the None option, particles are not rendered.
Halo Haloparticlesarerenderedasglowingpoints,usingahalotypematerial.Thisisthedefaultforparticles.
Line Line displays the particles as lines representing the direction in which the particles are moving. Line
visualization renders as solid lines of the material active on the particle system. Lines can be textured by us-
ing strand mapping.
Path Path displays particles as continuous strands from the emitter mesh. The Path option is available only
for Hair type particles or particles using keyed physics. In other cases, selecting Path will result in default
point visualization. In the case of keyed physics in Path visualization, the ends of the path particle strands
follow the movement of the target particles. The keyed example from Figure 6-9 (the first configuration) is
shown in Figure 6-10 with the keyed particle system set to Path render. The other two Newtonian particle
systems are set to Halo render (the scene is lit with environment lighting).
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