Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Adding a Particle System
Particle systems can be added to mesh objects in the Particles area of the Properties window by clicking the
plussymboltotherightofthefieldshownin Figure6-1 . OnlyaMeshobjectcanactasaparticleemitter.Ifyou
have any other object type, or no object selected, you will not be able to add a particle system.
Figure 6-1 Adding a particle system
The Particle System properties panel tab shown in Figure 6-2 enables you to select which particle system
you are working with and add and delete particle systems. The Settings drop-down menu enables you to select
the particle system datablock to be associated with the current particle system index or add a new system to the
particle system index. You can select between Emitter and Hair particle types in the Type drop-down menu and
set the rest of the values for the particle system in the other tabs on this panel.
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