Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 5-6 Soft Body Cache properties
Animating a Spring with Soft Bodies
Because springlike behavior is so central to the way soft bodies work, this section demonstrates the simplest
possible soft body setup, just a single edge, by using it to drive the motion of a posable spring. You can find the
file bouncing_ spring.blend on the website for this topic. To create a Soft Body object that will control the
movement of the spring, follow these steps:
1. TheSoftBodyobjectyou'llbeusingwillbecomposedsimplyoftwoverticesandanedge.I'vecreated
thisbyaddingaplane(see Figure5-7 ) anddeletingtwoofthevertices(see Figure5-8 ) .AnysimpleMesh
object will do for this.
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