Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Activating Indirect Lighting enables materials with Emit values to contribute to lighting the scene. In order
for this to work, Approximate must be selected as the Gather method, rather than Raytrace.
All of these effects contribute to the final render, but all of them can be isolated as well, using render passes.
Render Layers and Render Passes
For simple scenes, you can simply click the Image or Animation button and render the scene as is. However,
for more complex scenes, especially ones intended to be used as input for Blender's node-based compositing
system, which you'll begin to read about in Chapter 9, “Compositing with Nodes,” it is necessary to be able to
separate components of your scene to be handled individually by the compositor. The two main tools for doing
this are render layers and render passes. Properties for both render layers and render passes are found in the
Layers panel in the Render properties window, shown in Figure 4-9 .
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