Graphics Reference
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Figure 3-33 The eyeball in wireframe
Refining the Nose, Mouth, and Eyes
ment. The nose areas, mouth, and eyes all involve the same kind of incremental approach. From this point on,
the multires level that you use will depend on what specific level of detail you are trying to refine. Obviously,
the higher the multires level, the finer the detail you will be able to work with, but after a certain point, your
hardwarewilllimithoweasilyyoucanworkwithhighresolutions.Youwillhavetoexperiment withwhatyour
computer is capable of. Also remember that the multires level itself is not what determines the slowdown but
rather the number of vertices. If you have already subdivided a mesh before adding multires, then the number
of vertices will obviously be higher at each progressive multires level. The highest multires level used in the
example in this section is level 7.
In Figure 3-34 , you can see how the subtractive Draw tool was used to roughly etch out the indentation
around the edge of the nose. With any given Sculpt tool, you can sculpt in the opposite direction by holding
Control while sculpting with LMB.
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