Graphics Reference
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Figure 3-3 . In Sculpt mode, the first 10 brushes can also be accessed in their order with the number line. Other
commonly used tools have additional hot keys, shown in parentheses in the following descriptions.
Figure 3-3 Brush types
The brush types accessible in this tab are as follows:
SculptDraw SculptDraw (d) is the default sculpting tool and is very commonly used. By default, the
active in the Texture panel, the SculptDraw tool is used to draw the texture onto the surface of the mesh.
Smooth Smooth (s) is a crucial tool for incrementally refining your mesh as well as correcting mistakes and
rough spots. The Smooth tool makes the distances and angles between vertices more uniform, effectively
smoothing out inconsistencies and removing jagged areas. The Smooth tool also eliminates sculpted detail,
so it should be used judiciously.
Pinch/Magnify Pinch/Magnify (p)is a necessary tool fordoing detail work,in particular forcreating creases
or sharp ridges. The Pinch tool pulls vertices toward the center of the tool's active area, causing the shape of
the mesh to tighten around the line along which the Pinch tool is moved. If used in Magnify mode, it pulls
vertices away from a central point.
Inflate/Deflate Inflate/Deflate (i)issimilar totheuntextured useoftheDrawtool,except thattheadditive or
subtractive change is along the normals of the mesh itself, rather than in relation to the 3D viewport. Conse-
quently, the Inflate/Deflate tool can be used to cause the shape of the mesh to swell or to deflate or shrink the
mesh along its normals.
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