Graphics Reference
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Figure 16-9 Properties for Username and Password dynamic text objects
The main logic for processing the input will be attached to the camera. This is a completely arbitrary de-
cision. It would be just as easy to associate this logic with another object in the scene or to create a new object
such as an empty specifically to associate the logic with. The camera seems as intuitive a place as any to asso-
ciate this logic, so that's what I chose. Because the camera will take the logic for processing the input, it will
be necessary to create some properties on the camera relating to the input, shown in Figure 16-10 . Specifically,
there needs to be a property called input of type String, which will be used to receive text strings typed in
from the keyboard. The other property necessary is a Boolean property I called keystrokelog that will be
used to tell the Keyboard sensor to interpret input as a string. It should be set to the value True .
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