Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
If you want to try transforming your data, note that you'll need two Set SRS steps, one on
each side of the SRS Transform step, to ensure you have the correct spatial ID going into
and coming out of the transformation.
Moving on in our example, let's set the singular SRID we need for this data. Double-click the
Set SRS step to open its dialog; you should see the following:
Figure 34: Configuring the Set SRS Step
For the Set SRS on field drop-down, select the correct field to set the geometry on. Usually
it is called the_geom in a shapefile. In the EPSG Code field, select the correct spatial ID for
the data. In our case, it will be SRID 4326 (WGS84). You can look through the drop-down list
to get an idea of how many SRID coordinate spaces there are. Rather than looking through
the entire drop-down list, you can simply type 4326 .
Once you've set the SRID, click OK to confirm the SRS settings.
The final step is to set our Table output and associated database connection. Double-click
the Table output step to open its configuration dialog as shown in the figure that follows.
Note that I've already filled in the connection and target table details.
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