Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Step Nine:
For this layout, let's start from scratch.
Go to the Template Browser and click
on the Caption and Rating template,
then go to the Overlays panel and turn
off the checkboxes for Rating Stars and
Te x t O v e r l ay s , a n d b e s u r e t h e I d e nt i t y
Plate checkbox is turned off, as well. Go
to the Backdrop panel and turn off Color
Wash, then go up to the Options panel
and turn off the Cast Shadow and Stroke
Border checkboxes. Now, use the margin
guides to resize your image to give us
the simple, clean look you see here.
Step 10:
I went and downloaded an old map from
iStockphoto (believe it or not, I searched
for “old map” and this is what came up
as the first result. Perfect!). Import that
old map image into Lightroom, then drag
it into the collection you're working with.
Once it's there, drag that old map image
into the Background Image well in the
Backdrop panel (as seen here) to make
the map the background for the slide.
So far, so good.
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