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Okay, I need to clarify here a bit: This trick is for getting great duotones, but I also
cover how to do a split-tone effect, since it kind of uses the same controls. A duo-
tone generally starts with a B&W photo, then you expand the visual depth of the
image with a deep color tint. Split toning is where you apply one color tint to the
highlights and another to the shadow areas. We'll cover duotones first, because not
only are you more likely to do a duotone, they just look better (I'm not a big split-
toning fan myself, but hey, I'm still happy to show ya how to do one, just in case).
Getting Great
Duotones (and
Split Tones)
Step One:
Although the actual duotone or split tone
is created in the Split Toning panel (in the
right side Panels area), you should convert
the photo to black and white first. (I say
“should” because you can apply a split-toning
effect on top of your color photo, but…
well…yeech!) Start in the Basic panel (at the
top of the right side Panels area), and in the
Treatment section, click on Black & White
to convert the photo (as seen here. I also
made some adjustments to the Exposure,
Shadows, and Clarity).
Step Two:
The trick to creating duotones is actually
incredibly simple: you only add the color
tint in the shadows, and you leave the high-
lights untouched. So, go to the Split Toning
panel, in the right side Panels area, and start
by dragging the Shadows Saturation slider
to around 25, so you can see some of the
tint color (as soon as you start dragging
the Saturation slider, the tint appears, but,
by default, the hue is a reddish color). Now,
drag the Shadows Hue slider over to 41 to
get more of a traditional duotone look
(while you're there, increase the Saturation
amount to 35, as shown here). That's it.
Couldn't be simpler. Of course, you can
choose any hue you want (this one just
happens to be my favorite for duotones).
TIP: Reset Your Settings
If you want to start over, press-and-hold
the Option (PC: Alt) key, and the word
ows” in the Split Toning panel
changes to “Reset Shadows.” Click on it
to reset the settings to their defaults.
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