HTML and CSS Reference
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<form method=post action="http:/cgi-bin/process">
<th align=right>Name:
<td><input type=text size=32>
<th align=right>Address:
<td><input type=text size=32>
<th align=right>Phone:
<td><input type=text size=12>
<td colspan=2 align=center>
<input type=submit value="Register">
Of course, more complex form layouts can be managed with tables, too.
We recommend that you first sketch the form layout on paper and plan
how various combinations of table elements, including row- and column-
straddled table cells, might be used to affect the layout. Building forms with nested tables
As we mentioned earlier, you can place a table inside a cell in another
table. While this alone can lead to some elaborate table designs, nested
tables also are useful for managing a subset of form elements within the
larger table containing the entire form. The best application for using a
nested table in a form is for laying out checkboxes and radio buttons.
For example, insert the following row containing a table into the form
table in the previous example. It creates a checkbox with four choices:
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