HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
ways agree on how they render a tag, and even different versions of
the same browser may differ. Furthermore, even the best HTML editors
don't necessarily support extensions to the language.
So into the source you'll have to go, whether to include some HTML fea-
ture not yet supported by the editor (such as a new CSS2 property), to
insert an attribute value or keyword, or to modify ones that the editor
The tip is this: compose first. Try to start with a clean, finished docu-
ment. Concentrate on content from the outset, and add the special ef-
fects later. Use a good HTML editor from the start, or prepare your docu-
ments in two steps with two different toolsa good content editor followed
by a good HTML editorparticularly if you plan to distribute the document
in a format other than HTML.
17.2.3. Use the Best
If you compose web pages, we can't imagine you not using an HTML
editor of some sort. The convenience is just too compelling. But choose
carefully: some HTML editors are abysmal, and you'll spend more time
hunting down misplaced tags and errant attributes than you'll spend ac-
tually creating the document. Top tip: you get what you pay for.
It's no surprise that HTML editors vary greatly in their features. Many
editors let you switch the display from source text to what may appear
when rendered by a browser. Some simply let you add tags and modify
attribute values through pull-down menus and hot-key options. Others
are WYSIWYG layout tools that make it easy to include graphics and
other multimedia content. Other advanced features include embedding
and testing applets and scripts.
In general, HTML editors fall into one of two categories: either they are
good layout tools, including advanced styling features and tools for dy-
namic content, or they excel at content creation and management. Ob-
viously, if you are producing flashy, commercial web pages that rely on
advanced layout techniques and include lots of different styles and dy-
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