HTML and CSS Reference
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data may contain plain old text, plus whatever other tags you allow, as
defined in the DTD.
For instance:
<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
means that the title element may contain only text with entities. No
other tags are allowed, just as in the HTML standard.
A more complex example is the <p> tag, whose element declaration is:
<!ELEMENT p %Inline;>
Another parameter entity, %Inline; , is defined in the HTML DTD as:
<!ENTITY % Inline "(#PCDATA | %inline; | %misc;)*">
which expands to these entities when you replace the parameters:
<!ENTITY % special "br | span | bdo | object | img | map">
<!ENTITY % fontstyle "tt | i | b | big | small">
<!ENTITY % phrase "em | strong | dfn | code | q | sub | sup | samp | kbd |
var | cite | abbr | acronym">
<!ENTITY % inline.forms "input | select | textarea | label | button">
<!ENTITY % misc "ins | del | script | noscript">
<!ENTITY % inline "a | %special; | %fontstyle; | %phrase; | %inline.forms;">
What do we make of all this? The %Inline; entity defines the contents
of the p element as parsed character data, plus any of the elements
defined by %inline; and any defined by %misc; . Note that case does mat-
ter: %Inline; is different from %inline; .
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