HTML and CSS Reference
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a class of the <p> tag named abstract with the specified properties. The
equivalent CSS rules would be:
P.bold {font-weight : bold}
P.abstract {left-margin : 20pt;
right-margin : 20pt;
font-style : italic;
text-align : justify
Once defined, use a JSS class just like any CSS class: with the class at-
tribute and the class name.
Like CSS, JSS also lets you define a class without defining the tag that
uses the class. This lets you define generic classes that you can later
apply to any tag. To create a generic style class in JSS, use the special
tag property all : = "green";
You can then add class="green" to any tag to have Netscape render its
contents in green. The equivalent CSS is:
.green {color : green} Using contextual styles
One of the most powerful aspects of CSS is its contextual style capabil-
ity, wherein the browser applies a style to tags only if they appear in the
document in a certain nesting. JSS supports contextual styles as well,
through the special contextual() method within the tags property. The
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