HTML and CSS Reference
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For instance, use your home pagethe leading document of the collectio-
nas a master index full of brief descriptions and respective hyperlinks to
the rest of your collection.
You can also use either the name variant of the <a> tag or the id attribute
of nearly all tags to specially identify sections of your document. Tag id s
and name anchors serve as internal hyperlink targets in your documents
to help users easily navigate within the same document or jump to a
particular section within another document. Refer to that id 'd section in
a hyperlink by appending a pound sign ( # ) and the section name as the
suffix to the URL.
For instance, to reference a specific topic in an archive, such as "Kum-
quat Stew Recipes" in our example Kumquat Archive, first mark the sec-
tion title with an id :
...preceding content...
<h3 id="Stews">Kumquat Stew Recipes</h3>
in the same or another document, then prepare a source hyperlink that
points directly to those recipes by including the section's id value as a
suffix to the document's URL, separated by a pound sign:
For more information on kumquats, visit our
<a href="">
Kumquat Archive</a>,
and perhaps try one or two of our
<a href="">
Kumquat Stew Recipes</a>.
If selected by the user, the latter hyperlink causes the browser to down-
load the archive.html document and start the display at our "Stews" sec-
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