HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
self. The value auto , the default, works as though you didn't include the
scrolling attribute in the tag. The marginheight and marginwidth attributes
The browser normally places a small amount of space between the edge
of a frame and its contents. You can change those margins with the mar-
ginheight and marginwidth attributes, each including a value for the ex-
act number of pixels to place around the frame's contents.
You cannot make a margin less than 1 pixel or make it so large that
there is no room for the frame's contents. That's because, like most oth-
er HTML attributes, these advise; they do not dictate to the browser. If
your desired margin values cannot be accommodated, the browser ig-
nores them and renders the frame as best it can. The frameborder and bordercolor attributes
With some earlier versions of Internet Explorer, you could add and re-
move borders from a single frame with the frameborder attribute. Val-
ues of yes or 1 and no or 0 respectively enable or disable borders for
the frame and override the value of the frameborder attribute for any
frameset containing the frame. Don't use it.
With all the popular browsers except Opera, you also can change the
color of the individual frame's borders with the bordercolor attribute.
Use a color name or hexadecimal triple as its value. If two adjacent
frames have different bordercolor attributes, the resulting border color
is undefined. You can find a complete list of color names and values in
Appendix G .
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