HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
You also may use these four attributes with the <body> tag. We cover
JavaScript event handlers in more detail in section 12.3.3 . Other <frameset> attributes
Like most of the other standard tags, the <frameset> tag honors four of
the standard attributes: class , style , title , and id .
Use the class attribute to associate a predefined style class with this
frame and, via style inheritance, its content. Alternatively, use the style
attribute to define a style inline with the <frameset> tag. We cover styles
more completely in Chapter 8 .
The id attribute creates a unique identifier for the frame, and the title
attribute creates a title for the frame that might be presented to the
user or used by a nonvisual browser. [ The id attribute, ] [ The
title attribute, ]
11.3.2. Nesting <frameset> Tags
You can create some elaborate browser displays with a single
<frameset> , but the frame layout is unimaginative. Instead, create
staggered frames and other, more complex, layouts with multiple
<frameset> tags nested within a top-level <frameset> in the frame docu-
For example, create a layout of two columns, the first with two rows and
the second with three rows (as shown in Figure 11-4 ), by nesting two
<frameset> tags with row specifications within a top-level <frameset> that
specifies the columns:
<frameset cols="50%,*">
<frameset rows="50%,*">
<frame src="frame1.html">
<frame src="frame2.html">
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