HTML and CSS Reference
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Because of the potential confusion that arises from having to escape the
ampersands in the URL, server implementers are encouraged to also ac-
cept the semicolon as a parameter separator. You might want to check
the documentation to see whether your server honors this convention.
9.2.5. The target Attribute
It is possible to redirect the results of a form to another window or
frame. Simply add the target attribute to your <form> tag and provide
the name of the window or frame to receive the results.
Like the target attribute used in conjunction with the <a> tag, you can
use a number of special names with the target attribute in the <form>
tag to create a new window or to replace the contents of existing win-
dows and frames. [ The target Attribute for the <a> Tag, 11.7.1 ]
9.2.6. The id, name, and title Attributes
The id attribute lets you attach a unique string label to your form for
reference by programs (applets) and hyperlinks. Before id was intro-
duced in HTML 4.0, Netscape used the name attribute to achieve similar
effects, although it cannot be used in a hyperlink. To be compatible with
the broadest range of browsers, we recommend that for now you in-
clude both name and id with <form> , if needed. In the future, you should
use only the id attribute for this purpose.
The title attribute defines a quote-enclosed string value to label the
form. However, it titles only the form segment; its value cannot be used
in an applet reference or hyperlink. [ The id attribute, ] [ The title
attribute, ]
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