HTML and CSS Reference
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Finally, you can set the speak property to spell-out , which spells out
each word. This is useful for acronyms and abbreviations. For example,
acronym { speak : spell-out }
ensures that acronyms such as URL get translated aurally as "you-are-
ell" and not as "earl."
By default, the speak-punctuation property is set to none , causing punc-
tuation to be expressed as pauses and inflection in the generated
speech. If you give this property the code value, punctuation is spoken
literally. This might be useful for aurally reproducing programming code
fragments or literal transcriptions of some content. [*]
[*] Regrettably, there is no victor-borge mode for this property. Perhaps CSS3 will address this
egregious oversight.
The speak-numeral property defaults to the value continuous , meaning
that numerals are pronounced as a single number. Accordingly, the
number "1234" would be reproduced as "one thousand two hundred
thirty-four." When set to digits , the numbers are pronounced digit by
digit, such as "one, two, three, four." Voice characteristics
To create a richer listening experience, CSS2 defines a number of prop-
erties that alter the spoken content. This lets you use different voices for
different content, speed up the speech, and change the pitch and stress
levels in the speech.
The speech-rate property accepts a numeric length value that defines
the number of words spoken per minute. The default value is locale
dependent because different cultures have different notions of a "nor-
mal" rate of speech. Instead of a specific value, you may use any of
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