HTML and CSS Reference
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er, although some browsers may use a different default. By increasing
this value, you cause the browser to insert additional space between
borders, allowing the background color or image of the table to show
through. If you specify just one value for border-spacing , it sets the spa-
cing for both horizontal and vertical borders. If you provide two values,
the first sets the horizontal spacing and the second determines the ver-
tical spacing.
Within the separate model, you can also control how borders are drawn
around empty cells. By default, borders are drawn around every cell in
a table, even if it has no content. You can change this by switching the
empty-cells property from its default value of show to the value hide .
When this property is set, empty cells simply show the table back-
ground. If a whole row of cells is empty, the browser removes the row
from the table entirely. The caption-side property
Use the caption-side property only with the <caption> element. It ac-
cepts values of top (default), bottom, left , or right , and tells the
browser where to place the caption adjacent to its associated table. The
caption-side property provides a more consistent method of placing the
caption than the browser-dependent and standards-deprecated align
attribute of the <caption> tag.
All of the popular browsers, except Internet Explorer, support caption-
side . The speak-header property
An audio-capable browser might offer a number of ways for users to
navigate by hearing the contents of a table. A simplistic approach would
have the browser read the table contents in order, from top to bottom
and right to left. A more sophisticated audio browser organizes the table
contents according to their respective headers and reads the informa-
tion in a more comprehensible manner. To avoid confusion in any case,
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