HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
8.4. Style Properties
At the heart of the CSS2 standard are the many properties that let you
control how the styles-conscious browser presents your documents to the
user. The standard collects these properties into six groups: fonts, col-
ors and backgrounds, text, boxes and layout, lists, and tag classification.
We'll stick with that taxonomy and preface the whole shebang with a dis-
cussion of property values and inheritance before diving into the proper-
ties themselves.
You'll find a summary of the style properties in Appendix C .
8.4.1. Property Values
Most properties set a value to some characteristic of your document for
rendering by the browserthe size of the characters in a font or the color
of level-2 headers, for example. As we discussed earlier, when describing
the syntax of styles, you give value to a CSS2 property by following the
property's keyword with a colon ( : ) and one or more space- or comma-
separated numbers or value-related keywords. For example:
font-family: Helvetica, Univers, sans-serif
color and font-family are the properties in these two style examples;
blue and the various comma-separated font names are their values, re-
There are eight kinds of property values: keywords, length values, per-
centage values, URLs, colors, angles, time, and frequencies.
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