HTML and CSS Reference
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The first example is an explicit reference to a bona fide HTML document
named catalog.html that is stored in the root directory of the server. The second references the top-level home page
on that same server. That home page may or may not be catalog.html .
Sample three also assumes that there is a home page in the root direct-
ory of the server and that the web connection is to
the nonstandard port 8080.
The fourth example is the URL for retrieving the web document named
guide.html from the planting directory on the serv-
er. Once retrieved, the browser should display the document beginning
at the fragment named soil_ prep .
The last example invokes an executable resource named find_a_quat
with the parameter named state set to the value Florida . Presumably,
this resource generates an HTML or XHTML response, presumably a new
document about kumquats in Florida that is subsequently displayed by
the browser.
6.2.4. The file URL
The file URL is perhaps the second most common one used, but it is not
readily recognized by web users and particularly web authors. It points
to a file stored on a computer without indicating the protocol used to
retrieve the file. As such, it has limited use in a networked environ-
ment. That's a good thing. The file URL lets you load and display a loc-
ally stored document and is particularly useful for referencing personal
HTML/XHTML document collections, such as those "under construction"
and not yet ready for general distribution, or document collections on
CD-ROM. The file URL has the following format:
file:// server / path
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