HTML and CSS Reference
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5.2.7. Video Extensions
Internet Explorer supports special video-related <img> attribute exten-
sions that let you embed movies into your HTML documents: controls ,
dynsrc , loop , and start . These are not HTML 4 and are unlikely to be-
come XHTML standard attributes. In fact, users have to specifically en-
able them with Internet Explorer's "Play video in web pages" Advanced
Internet Options.
Equivalent behavior is available with all the popular browsers via an ex-
tension program known as a plug-in . Plug-ins place an additional bur-
den on the user in that each user must find and install the appropriate
plug-in software before being able to view the inline video. The Internet
Explorer <img> tag extensions, on the other hand, made video display an
intrinsic part of the browser. [ Embedded Content, 12.2 ] The dynsrc attribute
Use the dynsrc attribute extension in the <img> tag to reference an AVI,
MPG or MPEG, MOV, WMV, or any popular movie format for inline dis-
play by Internet Explorer. Its required value is the URL of the movie file,
enclosed in quotation marks. For example, this text displays the tag and
attribute for an AVI movie file titled intro.avi :
<img dynsrc="movies/intro.avi">
Internet Explorer sets aside a video viewport in the HTML display win-
dow and plays the movie, with audio if it's included in the clip and if your
computer is able to play audio. Internet Explorer treats dynsrc movies
similar to inline images: in line with current body content and accord-
ing to the dimension of the video frame. And, like common images, the
dynsrc -referenced movie file gets displayed immediately after download
from the server. You may change those defaults and add some user con-
trols with other attributes, as described later.
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