HTML and CSS Reference
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4.7.2. The <q> Tag
Introduced in HTML 4.0, the <q> tag is virtually identical to its <block-
quote> counterpart. The difference is in their display and application. You
use <q> for short quotes that may be inline with surrounding plain text.
The HTML and XHTML standards dictate that the <q> -enclosed text begin
and end with double quotes. All the popular browsers except Internet
Explorer support <q> and place double quotes at each end of the en-
closed text. The result is that you'll get two sets of quotation marks if
you include your own quotes to satisfy Internet Explorer. Nonetheless,
we recommend that you use the <q> tag, not only because we like stand-
ards, but because we see beyond their display effects to applications in
document handling, information extraction, and so forth.
Use the <blockquote> tag, on the other hand, for longer segments that
the browser will set offusually as an indented blockfrom the surrounding
content, such as that shown in Figure 4-20 .
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