HTML and CSS Reference
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remains on the current line. Otherwise, it places the next element onto
the next line, following its normal word-wrap behavior.
If there is not enough room to place the entire <spacer> tag's whitespace
on the current line, the browser shortens the space to fit on the current
line. In a sense, the size of the spacer is soft, telling the browser to in-
sert up to the specified number of pixels until the end of the current line
is reached.
For example, if a spacer is 100 pixels wide, and only 75 pixels of space
remain on the current line within the browser's display window, Nets-
cape 4 inserts 75 pixels of space into the line and places the next ele-
ment at the beginning of the next line in the display. Accordingly, a ho-
rizontal spacer is never broken across a line, creating space at the end
of one line and the beginning of the next.
By far, the most common application of the horizontal spacer is to indent
the first line of a paragraph. Simply place a horizontal spacer at the start
of a paragraph to get the desired result:
<spacer type=horizontal size=50>
The effects of cooler weather on the kumquat's ripening process
vary based upon the temperature. Temperatures above 28&deg;
sweeten the fruit, while four or more hours below 28&deg; will
damage the tree.
Figure H-1 shows the results.
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