HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
<!ELEMENT COLGROUP - O (COL)* -- table column group -->
<!ELEMENT COL - O EMPTY -- table column -->
<!ELEMENT TR - O (TH|TD)+ -- table row -->
<!ELEMENT (TH|TD) - O (%flow;)* -- table header cell, table data cell-->
<!ATTLIST TABLE -- table element --
%attrs; -- %coreattrs, %i18n, %events --
summary %Text; #IMPLIED -- purpose/structure for speech output--
width %Length; #IMPLIED -- table width --
border %Pixels; #IMPLIED -- controls frame width around table --
frame %TFrame; #IMPLIED -- which parts of frame to render --
rules %TRules; #IMPLIED -- rulings between rows and cols --
cellspacing %Length; #IMPLIED -- spacing between cells --
cellpadding %Length; #IMPLIED -- spacing within cells --
align %TAlign; #IMPLIED -- table position relative to window --
bgcolor %Color; #IMPLIED -- background color for cells --
%reserved; -- reserved for possible future use --
datapagesize CDATA #IMPLIED -- reserved for possible future use --
<!ENTITY % CAlign "(top|bottom|left|right)">
%attrs; -- %coreattrs, %i18n, %events --
align %CAlign; #IMPLIED -- relative to table --
COLGROUP groups a set of COL elements. It allows you to group
several semantically related columns together.
%attrs; -- %coreattrs, %i18n, %events --
span NUMBER 1 -- default number of columns in group --
width %MultiLength; #IMPLIED -- default width for enclosed COLs --
%cellhalign; -- horizontal alignment in cells --
%cellvalign; -- vertical alignment in cells --
COL elements define the alignment properties for cells in
one or more columns.
The WIDTH attribute specifies the width of the columns, e.g.
width=64 width in screen pixels
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