HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
color= color
Define the color of the rule.
Specify the rendering direction for texteither
left to right ( ltr ) or right to left ( rtl ).
dir= dir
Define a name for this tag that is unique to
this document.
id= name
Specify the language used for this tag's con-
tents using a standard two-character ISO
language name.
lang= language
Do not use 3D shading to render the rule.
Specify an applet to be executed when the
mouse button is clicked on this tag.
onclick= applet
Specify an applet to be executed when the
mouse button is double-clicked on this tag.
ondblclick= applet
Specify an applet to be executed when a key
is pressed down while this tag has input fo-
onkeydown= applet
Specify an applet to be executed when a key
is pressed and released while this tag has fo-
onkeypress= applet
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