HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
<a href="">
<ul compact>
<ul compact="compact">
<input type=text name=filename size=24 maxlength=80>
<link title="Table of Contents">
The first example is the <a> tag for a hyperlink to our publisher's web-
based catalog of products. It has a single attribute, href , followed by the
catalog's address in cyberspaceits URL.
The second example shows an HTML tag that formats text into an un-
ordered list of items. Its single attribute compact , which limits the space
between list itemsdoes not require a value.
The third example demonstrates how the second example must be writ-
ten in XHTML. Notice the compact attribute now has a value, albeit a re-
dundant one, and that its value is enclosed in double quotes.
The fourth example shows an HTML tag with multiple attributes, each
with a value that does not require enclosing quotation marks. Of course,
with XHTML, each attribute value must be enclosed in double quotes.
The last example shows proper use of enclosing quotation marks when
the attribute value is more than one word long.
What is not immediately evident in these examples is that while HTML
attribute names are not case-sensitive ( href works the same as HREF and
HreF in HTML), most attribute values are case-sensitive. The value file-
name for the name attribute in the <input> tag example is not the same as
the value Filename , for instance.
3.3.3. Starting and Ending Tags
We alluded earlier to the fact that most tags have a beginning and an
end and affect the portion of content between them. That enclosed seg-
ment may be large or small, from a single text character, syllable, or
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