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3. Compute M B as the product of A o M A and M B , 1 except that transitions going
into states of the product machine containing F are considered as unspecified
transitions (in other words, they are sent to a dummy state DC with a self-
loop under every input asserting every output). So M B is an ISFSM that
can be reduced using conventional algorithms for state minimization. After
minimization, M B is guaranteed to have no more states than M B .
In [121] a heuristic was provided to reduce the number of states of A o M A by
discarding some don't care information; still A o M A has to be built first. More
heuristics to approximate input don't care sequences were explored in [139].
Later on, Wang and Brayton [139] showed that input don't care sequences for
a component in a network of FSMs with an arbitrary topology can be exploited in
the same way as in a series topology and that computing input don't care sequences
for an arbitrary topology can be reduced to computing them for a series topology.
Given the FS Ms M A and M B composed in a two-way topology, M A $ M B ,itwas
proved that if
L x ar e the input don't cares sequences for M B ,andifM B is obtained
from M B using
L x as unspecified transitions and M 0 B is obtained from M B after
state minimization, it holds that M A $ M B D M A $ M 0 B , i.e., the behavior of the
network is preserved when M 0 B replaces M B .
An FSM network with an arbitrary topology and including FSM M B can be
reduced to the case of a two-way topology, by lumping together as FSM M A all
the FSM components except for M B . In this way, the original network is reduced
to either a series topology or a two-way topology of FSMs M A and M B .Asa
result, input don't care sequences for a component in a general FSM network can be
exploited using state minimization procedures for incompletely specified FSMs. To
compute the input don't care sequences with the procedure of Kim and Newborn,
a further step is needed to reduce from a two-way topology to a series topology, as
follows: consider a network M A $ M B and call it
produces the
N 0 drawn in Fig. 5.1 , because M A $ M B produces
the same U and V sequences in
same I/O sequences as network
N 0 , therefore M A and M B behave
as it does in
N 0 as they do in
N 0 produces the same
under U and V in network
I/O sequences as network
. By this transformation from a two-way topology to
a series topology, the input don't care sequences respectively of M A and M B are
preserved. The driving machine is in both cases the composition of FSMs M A and
M B , M A $ M B , and it is called the abstract driving machine of the FSM network.
In general, given an FSM network and a component FSM M B whose input don't
care sequences should be computed, the abstract driving machine is the network
itself, unless M B is in a one-way communication with the other components and so
the abstract driving machine is the network except M B . The previous steps establish
that it is correct to apply the procedure by Kim and Newborn directly to an arbitrary
FSM network topology. In summary:
1 One has to take care of defining over the same alphabets both A o M A and M B , for instance turning
A o M A into an FSM with don't care outputs for each input combination of the automaton A o M A .
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