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[ V/ ?
Definition 3.4.2. A solution B of ( 3.8 )isA -compositionally prefix I.U
O -progressive if
Pref ..IO/ ? / * U [ V
Pref .A/ * I 2 [ O 2 \
Pref .B/ * I 1 [ O 1 \
is I.U [ V/ ? O-progressive.
A compositionally prefix I.U [ V/ ? O-progressive solution yields a composition
that allows . u [ v / ? cycles without exit, yet every sequence in I.U [ V/ ? O followed
by an input in I must be followed by a . u [ v / ?
cycle that can be exited (by an
Definition 3.4.3. A solution B of ( 3.8 )isA -compositionally prefix .U
V/ -
deadlock-free if
Pref ..IO/ ? / * U [ V
Pref .A/ * I 2 [ O 2 \
Pref .B/ * I 1 [ O 1 \
is .U
[ V/-deadlock-free.
A compositionally prefix .U [ V/-deadlock-free solution yields a composition that
has no . u [ v / ? cycles without exit.
Definition 3.4.4. A solution B of ( 3.8 )isA -compositionally prefix .U
V/ -
convergent if
Pref ..IO/ ? / * U [ V
Pref .A/ * I 2 [ O 2 \
Pref .B/ * I 1 [ O 1 \
is .U
[ V/-convergent.
A compositionally prefix .U
V/-convergent solution yields a composition
v / ?
that has no . u
cycles, i.e., it is livelock-free. A compositionally prefix
[ V/-deadlock-free
[ V/-convergent.
Example 3.31. Consider the equation M A ˘ M X M C , where FSMs M A and M C
and the largest solution M B are shown in Fig. 3.13 a-c. Fig. 3.13 d,e shows the related
automata A and B * I 1 [ O 1 D B *f i g[f o g , whereas Fig. 3.13 f,g portrays the automata
representing the languages A * I 2 [ O 2
\ .IO/ ?
* U [ V
\ B * I 1 [ O 1
A \ B *f i g[f o g \
.IO/ ?
*f u g[f v g
P ref ..IO/ ? / * U [ V
and Pref.A/ * I 2 [ O 2
Pref.B/ * I 1 [ O 1
Pref.A/ \ Pref.B/ *f i g[f o g \ P ref ..IO/ ? / *f u g[f v g .
If FSM M A answers by u to the external input i then FSMs M A and M B
fall into an infinite dialog, so we would like to classify their composition as
neither .U
[ V/-convergent nor .U
[ V/-deadlock-free. However the language
A \ B *f i g[f o g \ .IO/ ?
*f u g[f v g Df .i o/ ?
g is both .U [ V/-convergent and .U [ V/-
deadlock-free. To overcome this modeling problem, we introduce the operator
Pref (guarantees prefix-closure) and rewrite the previous language composition
as Pref.A/ \ Pref.B/ *f i g[f o g \ P ref ..IO/ ? / *f u g[f v g . The latter language is
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