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Definition 3.4.1. FSM M B is a solution of the equation M A ˘ M X
M C ,where
M A and M C are FSMs, iff M A ˘ M B M C .
FSM M B is a solution of the equation M A ˘ M X
Š M C ,whereM A and M C are
FSMs, iff M A ˘ M B Š M C .
Converting to the related FSM languages, we construct the associated language
equation (see Sect. 3.2.3 )
L.M A / ˘ L.M X / L.M C / [ .IO/ ? ;
where L.M A / is an FSM language over alphabet I 1 [ U [ V [ O 1 , L.M C / is an
FSM language over alphabet I 1 [ I 2 [ O 1 [ O 2 and the unknown FSM language is
over alphabet I 2 [ U [ V [ O 2 . The previous equation can be rewritten for simplicity
A ˘ X
[ .IO/ ? :
We want to characterize the solutions of A ˘ X C [ .IO/ ? that are FSM languages.
We know f rom Theorem 2.16 t hat the largest so lution of the equation A ˘ X
C [ .IO/ ? is the language S D A ˘ .C \ .IO/ ? /.
In general S is not an FSM language. To compute the largest FSM language
contained in S ,thatisS FSM , we must compute the largest prefix-closed language
contained in S \ ..I 2 [ U /.V [ O 2 // ? .
Theorem 3.27. Let A and C be FSM lang uages. T he largest FSM language that
is a solution of t he equation A ˘ X
is given by S FSM ,where S
[ .IO/ ?
D; then S FSM
¤; , S FSM
A ˘ .C
\ .IO/ ? / .If S
D; ;if S
is obtained by
applying Proc edure 3 .1.3 to S .If S FSM
D; then the FSM language equation
A ˘ X
[ .IO/ ?
has no solution.
Proof. The first step of Procedure 3.1.3 computes the intersection of S with ..I 2 [
U /.V [ O 2 // ? to enforce that the solution, if it exists, is an FSM language with
input alphabet I 2 [ U and output alphabet V [ O 2 .SinceA and C are regular
languages, S \ ..I 2 [ U /.V [ O 2 // ? is a regular language too and, by construction,
Procedure 3.1.3 extracts the largest FSM language contained in it.
Example 3.28. Consider the FSMs M A Dh S A ;I 1 [ V; U [ O 1 ;T A ;sa i and
M C Dh S C ;U;V;T C ;s1 i with S A Df sa g , T A Df .i; sa; sa; o 2 /, . v ;sa;sa; u / g ,
S C Df s1 g , T C Df .i; s1; s1; o 1 / g . Th e equation M A ˘ M X M C yields the
language equation A ˘ X C [ .IO/ ? whose solution S becomes empty under
prefix-closure, because S does not contain , even though it contains the string uv .
Thus there is no solution.
By Proposition 3.7 , it is easy to derive an FSM M S FSM associated to S FSM .This
allows us to talk about FSMs that are solutions of FSM equations, meaning any
reduction of the FSM M S FSM , as guaranteed by Proposition 3.8 .
Example 3.29. Consider the equation M A ˘ M X M C , with the language of M A ,
i.e., A D L r .M A /, and the language of M C , i.e., C
D L r .M C /, represented by the
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