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If S FSM is compositionally I -progressive, then S FSM is the largest compositionally
I -progressive solution of the equation. However, not every non-empty subset
of S FSM inherits the feature of being compositionally I -progressive. If S FSM
is not compositionally I -progressive, then denote by cP rog.S FSM / the largest
compositionally I -progressive subset of S FSM . Conceptually cP rog.S FSM / is
obtained from S FSM
by deleting each string ˛ such that, for some i
I ,there
is no . u ; v ;o/
O such that ˛.i; u ; v ;o/ 2
A " I 2 O 2
" I 1 O 1 .The
following procedure tells how to compute cP rog.S FSM /.
Procedure 3.3.1. Input: Largest prefix-closed solution S FSM of synchronous equa-
tion A X C and context A ; Output: Largest compositionally I -progressive
prefix-closed solution cP rog.S FSM / .
1. Initialize i to 1 and S i
to S FSM .
2. Compute R i
D A " I 2 O 2 \ S i
" I 1 O 1 .
If the language R i
is I -progressive then cP rog.S FSM / D S i .
(a) Obtain Prog.R i /,thelargestI -progressive subset of R i , by using Proce-
dure 3.1.2 .
(b) Compute T i
D S i
n .R i
n Prog.R i // # I 2 U V O 2 .
3. If T iFSM
D; then cP rog.S FSM / D; .
(a) Assign the language T iFSM to S i C 1 .
(b) Increment i by 1 and go to 2.
Theorem 3.23. Procedure 3.3.1 returns the largest compositionally I -progressive
(prefix-closed) solution, if it terminates.
Theorem 3.24. Procedure 3.3.1 terminates.
The proofs can be found in [148].
A sufficient condition to insure that A " I 2 O 2 \ S FSM
" I 1 O 1
is an I -progressive FSM
language is that S FSM
" I 1 O 1 or A " I 2 O 2 satisfy the Moore property (see Theorem 3.12
for a related statement proved for complete FSMs). If S FSM is Moore then it is
the largest Moore solution of the equation. However, not every non-empty subset of
S FSM inherits the feature of being Moore. If S FSM is not Moore, then denote by
Moore .S FSM / the largest Moore subset of S FSM .Theset Moore .S FSM / is obtained
by deleting from S FSM each string which causes S FSM to fail the Moore property.
Proposition 3.25. If Moore .S FSM / ¤; , then it is the largest Moore solution of the
equation A X
C . Otherwise the equation A X
C has no Moore solution.
To compute the largest Moore FSM that is a solution, it is sufficient to apply
Procedure 3.1.5 to the FSM M S FSM associated with S FSM , as justified by
Theorem 3.9 . The result is the largest Moore FSM solution, of which every
deterministic Moore solution is a reduction.
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