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i 1 /o 1
i 1 v 1 /u 3 o 1
i 1 /o 2
i 2 /o 2
i 1 v 2 /u 1 o 2
i 2 v 1 /u 1 o 2
i 2 v 2 /u 2 o 2
i 2 /o 2
i 3 /o 2
i 3 /o 2
i 3 v 1 /u 2 o 1
i 3 v 2 /u 3 o 2
u 1 /v 1
u 3 /v 2
i 1 /o 1
u 2 /v 2
u 1 /v 2
i 1 /o 2
i 2 /o 2
u 1 /v 1
u 2 /v 2
i 2 /o 2
u 3 /v 1
i 3 /o 2
i 3 /o 2
u 3 /v 2
Fig. 3.7 Illustration of Example 3.18 .( a ) Context FSM M A ;( b ) Specification FSM M C ;( c )
Largest Solution FSM M S ;( d ) M A M S
a new determinization is needed before performing the final complementation: this
explains the outer exponential 2 j S A j :2 j S C j .
There are “easier” topologies, like supervisory control, where there is no projec-
tion onto a subset of signals of the product automaton; therefore non-determinism is
not introduced and so the final complementation is linear, resulting in the complexity
of j S A j :2 j S C j . Moreover, if S C is deterministic, the exponential 2 j S C j is replaced
by j S C j , and so the final complexity of supervisory control is bounded by only
j S A j : j S C j .
The operations on the language S to extract from it an FSM language, a complete
FSM language or a Moore solution (see below) are linear in the number of edges of
the automaton representing S .
Restricted FSM Compositional Solutions
It is interesting to compute the subset of compositionally I -progressive solutions
B, i.e., such that A " I 2 O 2 \ B " I 1 O 1 is an I -progressive FSM language .I
U V O/ ? . Thus the composition (after projection on the external signals) is
the language of a complete FSM over inputs I 1 I 2 and outputs O 1 O 2 .Since
A " I 2 O 2 \ S FSM
" I 1 O 1 is prefix-closed and hence corresponds to a partial FSM, we have
to restrict it so that it is also I -progressive, which corresponds to a complete FSM.
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