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Proposition 3.20. FSM M B is a solution of the equation M A M X M C ,where
M A and M C are FSMs, iff M B is a reduction of the FSM M S associated to S FSM ,
where S FSM
is obtained by applying Procedure 3.1.1 to S ,where S
A C .If
Df g then the trivial FSM is the only solution.
The largest complete FSM solution M Prog.S FSM / is found, if it exists, by applying
Procedure 3.1.2 .
A complete FSM is a solution of M A
M C iff it is a reduction of the
largest complete solution M Prog.S FSM / .
Given the largest (complete) solution M Prog.S FSM / of the equation M A M X
M C ,let M A M X Š M C .Then M Prog.S FSM / is the largest (complete) solution of
the equation M A M X Š M C .
Example 3.21. (Variant of Example 3.16 ) Consider the FSMs M A Dh S A ;I 1
V; U O 1 ;T A ;sa i and M C Dh S C ;U;V;T C ;s1 i with S A Df sa g , T A Df .01; sa; sa;
s00/, .00;
01/, .11;
10/, .10;
10/ g , S C Df s1 g ,
T C Df .1; s1; s1; 1/, .0;s1;s1;0/ g . The equation M A
M C yields
Df .01/ ?
the language equation A X C with solution S
g , i.e., the corresponding
FSM solution M X produces the set of strings of input/output pairs f .0=1/ ?
g ,andso
the equation has no complete FSM solution.
Not every deterministic complete FSM M SR that is a reduction of the largest
solution M S is a solution of the equation M A M X
Š M C , as shown by the examples
in Example 3.22 .
Example 3.22. Given the context FSM M A and the specification FSM M C shown
respectively in Fig. 3.6 a,b, consider the equation M A M X Š M C , whose largest
solution M S is in Fig. 3.6 c (and obviously satisfies M A M X Š M C ,asshownin
Fig. 3.6 d). Then the deterministic complete FSM M S1 in Fig. 3.6 e is not a solution
of M A M X Š M C , whereas M S2 in Fig. 3.6 g is a solution of M A M X Š M C ,
as shown respectively in Fig. 3.6 f and Fig. 3.6 h. Notice that both M S1 and M S2 are
reductions of the largest solution M S .
Given the context FSM M A and the specification FSM M C shown respectively
in Fig. 3.7 a,b, consider the equation M A M X Š M C , whose largest solution M S is
in Fig. 3.7 c (and obviously satisfies M A M X Š M C , as shown in Fig. 3.7 d). Then
a deterministic complete FSM that is a reduction of M S should choose at state s
either the transition u 3 = v 2 or u 3 = v 1 . Suppose to define the reduction M S1 where at
state s we choose u 3 = v 2 instead of u 3 = v 1 ,thenitisM A M S1 M C , because in
the product at state 1 we cannot get the transition i 1 =o 1 that requires the selection
u 3 = v 1 in M S1 ; similarly, if we define the reduction M S2 where at state s we choose
u 3 = v 1 instead of u 3 = v 2 .thenitisM A M S1 M C , because in the product at state 1
we cannot get the transition i 3 =o 2 that requires the selection u 3 = v 2 in M S2 .Sothere
is no deterministic complete FSM that is a reduction of the largest solution M S and
also solves the FSM equation M A M X Š M C .
Another interesting example and related discussion can be found in Example 3.1
and Fig. 2 of [149], where by removing any transition from the largest solution M S
we would miss some complete deterministic FSM reduction that is a solution.
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