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Definition 3.1.3. A deterministic FSM (DFSM) is an FSM where for each pair
.i; p/ 2 I S , there is at most one next state n and one output o such that
.i;p;n;o/ 2 T , i.e., there is at most one transition from p under i . An FSM that is
not a DFSM is a non-deterministic finite state machine (NDFSM).
In a DFSM the next state n and the output o can be given, respectively, by a next
state function n
T n .i; p/ and an output function o
T o .i; p/,whereT n and T o
may be partial functions when the DFSM is partial.
Definition 3.1.4. An incompletely specified FSM (ISFSM) is a NDFSM such that,
for a given input and present state, either there is a unique next state and output, or
the next state is a designated don't care state DN C and any output is produced;
moreover, at the state DN C under any input there is a self-loop and any output is
Definition 3.1.5. An NDFSM is a pseudo non-deterministic FSM (PNDFSM)
[142], or observably non-deterministic FSM [28], or observable FSM [130], if for
each triple .i;p;o/ 2 I S O, there is at most one state n such that .i;p;n;o/ 2 T .
The qualification “non-deterministic” is because for a given input and present state,
there may be more than one possible output; however, edges (i.e., transitions)
carrying different outputs must go to different next states. The further qualification
“pseudo” non-deterministic is because its underlying finite automaton is determin-
istic. In a PNDFSM the next state n, if it exists, is unique for a given combination of
input, present state and output, so it can be defined by a partial next state function
n D
T n .i;p;o/. The output is represented by a relation T o
O, because
the output is non-deterministic in general.
Definition 3.1.6. A complete FSM is said to be of Moore type if .i;p;n;o/ 2
implies that for all i 0 there is n 0 such that .i 0 ;p;n 0 ;o/ 2 T . 1
The transition relation T of an FSM can be extended in the usual way to a relation
on I ?
O ? : given a present state p and an input sequence i 1 :::i k
I ? , .i 1 :::i k ;p;n;o 1 :::o k /
T iff there is a sequence s 1 :::s k C 1 such that s 1
p;:::;s k C 1
n and for each j
1;:::;k it holds that .i j ;s j ;s j C 1 ;o j /
T .
A similar extension can be defined for T p and T n .
Here FSMs are assumed to be pseudo non-deterministic, unless otherwise stated.
It is always possible to convert a general NDFSM into a PNDFSM by subset
1 Notice that this definition allows for NDFSMs of Moore type, contrary to the more common
definition of Moore type: for each present state p there is an output o such that all transitions
whose present state is p carry the same output o.
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