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Solving Testing in Context Via Language Equations
We use the parallel composition operator to illustrate solving testing in context
by equation solving, but all the results hold also for the synchronous composition
We consider the parallel composition of two communicating FSMs, the context
FSM Context DhS Context ;I [ V; O [ U; T Context ;r Context i and the embedded FSM
Emb DhS Emb ;U;V;T Emb ;r Emb i , as shown in Fig. 16.1 . The alphabets I and O
represent the external inputs and outputs of the system, while the alphabets V
and U represent the internal interactions between the two machines. For the
sake of simplicity, we assume that all communicating machines are complete and
deterministic. The external behavior of the composition is given by the complete
deterministic FSM Spec
Context ˘ Emb defined over external input and output
alphabets I and O .
Given an implementation of the topology in Fig. 16.1 , suppose that the imple-
mentation of the FSM Context is fault-free, and that we would like to generate
tests in order to check whether the FSM Emb is correctly implemented, i.e., the
composition of Context and Imp ,where Imp is the implementation of Emb ,hasthe
same behavior as the FSM Spec . Here, for solving the problem we use two test
suites. An internal test suite TS int is a finite set of finite internal input sequences,
while an external test suite TS ext is a finite set of finite external input sequences.
An FSM Imp is externally distinguishable from Emb or distinguishable from
Emb composed with Context , if there exists an input sequence such that the FSMs
Spec and Context ˘ Imp have different output responses to such input sequence. We
know that the equivalence of Context ˘ Emb and Context ˘ Imp does not imply the
equivalence of Emb and Imp , i.e., non-equivalence in the context is weaker than non-
equivalence in isolation due to the lack of controllability and observability [114]. It
Fig. 16.1 Topology of
parallel composition of two
FSMs used for testing in
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