Hardware Reference
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Let F.mv describe the netlist of the FSM of the fixed part and S.mv the netlist
of the FSM of the specification, which is the netlist of the second window. As shown
in Fig. 11.1 ,thevariables
and v are inputs to
and the variables u and
are the
outputs of
. Using BALM, there are two ways to find the CSF of the netlist of the
inner window. The first way is to run the sequence of BALM procedures:
read_blif_mv S.mv
extract_aut S.aut
complement S.aut Sc.aut
read_blif_mv F.mv
extract_aut F.aut
product F.aut Sc.aut FxSc.aut
support u1,u2,u3,v1,v2 FxSc.aut FxScs.aut
complement FxScs.aut x.aut
progressive -i 3 x.aut xfsm.aut
Here,forthesakeofexample,weassumethat u1,u2,u3 and v1,v2 are
the binary inputs and outputs of the unknown component. If they are non-binary
variables, then the sizes of their domains would need to be given in the command
support , e.g.,
support u1(3),u2(3),u3(3),v1(4),v2(5) FxSc.aut
The second way of solving for the CSF is to use the command solve fsm equ ,
as in:
solve_fsm_equ F.mv S.mv u1,u2,u3 v1,v2 xfsm.aut
where the two lists for u and v are comma-separated lists denoting the inputs and
outputs. Even if the u
v variables are non-binary, it is not necessary to specify
their domains since this information will be extracted from the files. These two
procedures lead to identical automata, xfsm.aut .
Selecting a Window by Latch Splitting
One way that BALM allows for selectingawindowistotakeanentireFSMand
use “latch splitting” on it. The command is called latch split , which specifies
which latches are to be put in each part. This separates the latches of the FSM into
two parts, one part is in the fixed part
and the other part is in the known (original)
solution for the unknown component. The topology is shown in Fig. 11.2 ,wherethe
may be part of a larger netlist.
As shown in the figure, the outputs v of
have the dimension of the number
of latches that were included in
. These may have nothing to do with the final
states of
is the unknown component to be solved for, and can have
a completely different set of states and latches that were originally in the
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