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Chapter 2
Equations Over Languages and Finite Automata
Preliminaries on Languages and Finite Automata
Languages and Operators
Definition 2.1.1. An alphabet is a finite set of symbols. The set of all finite strings
over a fixed alphabet X is denoted by X ? . X ? includes the empty string . A subset
L X ?
is called a language over alphabet X .
A language L over the alphabet X V is a language over the alphabet A Df .x; v / j
x 2 X; v 2 V g . Standard set-theoretic operations are defined on alphabets, e.g.,
union and intersection.
Some standard operations on languages are:
1. Given languages L 1 and L 2 , respectively over alphabets X 1 and X 2 , the language
L 1 [ L 2 over alphabet X 1 [ X 2 is the union of languages L 1 and L 2 .
2. Given languages L 1 and L 2 , respectively over alphabets X 1 and X 2 , the language
L 1 L 2
Df ˛ˇ
j ˛ 2 L 1 2 L 2 g over alphabet X 1 [ X 2
is the concatenation of
and L 2 .DefineL 0
Df g , L i
D LL i 1 .The Kleene closure of L
languages L 1
is the set L ?
D[ i D 0 L i
and the positive Kleene closure of L is L C
D[ i D 1 L i .
i D 0 L i .
3. Given languages L 1 and L 2 , respectively over alphabets X 1 and X 2 , the language
L 1 \ L 2
Finally, the l -bounded Kleene closure of L is set L l
over alphabet X 1 \ X 2
is the intersection of languages L 1
and L 2 .If
X 1 \ X 2 D; then L 1 \ L 2 D; .
4. Given a language L over alphabet X , the language L
X ?
n L over alphabet
X is the complement of language L. Similarly, given languages L 1
and L 2 ,
respectively over alphabets X 1
and X 2 , the language L 1 n L 2
L 1 \ L 2
alphabet X 1 is the difference of languages L 1 and L 2 .
5. Given a language L over alphabet X , the language Pref .L/ Df x
2 X ?
j9 y 2
X ? ;xy 2 L g is the prefix-closure of L, i.e., the language whose words are all
the prefixes of words in L.
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