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Fig. 10.1 Topology for Kim
and Newborn procedure
every state of M A as a final state. For a state s , if there are output symbols not
emitted from it, a transition with these symbols is inserted from s to the dead
state d . The dead state d is the only non-accepting state. Thus A 0 is completely
specified but nondeterministic in general.
2. Convert A 0 to a minimized completely specified DFA A . This can be done by
using the subset construction and state minimization for DFA A . Note that the
efficient state minimization method minimize in BALM can be used, since the
subset construction produces a deterministic machine.
3. A modified machine M B is constructed as follows: construct M B A and then
redirect to a DNC state all transitions to a state that contains the dead state d in
its subset. M B is an incompletely specified FSM.
We assume that M A and M B are given in BLIF-MV format as MA.mv and
MB.mv , respectively. We can translate these steps into the equivalent BALM
commands by the following script.
K&N script
read_blif_mv MA.mv
extract_aut MA.aut \# convert into an automaton
support u MA.aut MAs.aut \# remove input
complete MAs.aut MAsc.aut \# add the dead state
determinize MAsc.aut MAd.aut
minimize MAd.aut MAd_min.aut
read_blif_mv MB.mv
extract_aut MB.aut \# convert into an automaton
product MB.aut MAd_min.aut MBi.aut \# MB x A
prefix MBi.aut MBifsm.aut \# make prefix-closed
We illustrate this with a small example.
Machine MA.mv
.model MA
.inputs a b c d e
.outputs x y
.latch R1 r1
.reset r1
.latch R2 r2
.reset r2
.table c d x1
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