Game Development Reference
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After you install all the newest userland binaries, including raspivid and
raspistill , on the Pi, Raspivid should now support the usage of -t 0 and
possibly some other features.
Compiling nginx-rtmp
Now, we need to compile nginx-rtmp. The following process will install nginx into
the default locations. If you already have nginx configured, you will need to change
some of the configuration settings or skip the installation process completely. We
will install nginx from the repository just to make sure all the dependencies are
installed. Afterwards, we will only remove nginx.
# sudo apt-get -y install nginx
# sudo apt-get -y remove nginx
# sudo apt-get clean
Then, we can download the latest version of the nginx-rtmp module and Version
1.4.1 of nginx. Later versions should be fine, but this version is verified to compile
on the Pi and is stable with this module.
# cd /usr/scr
## clone the latest version of rtmp module for nginx
# sudo git clone git://
##download nginx source tested with- 1.4.1
# sudo wget
# sudo tar -xzvf nginx-1.4.1.tar.gz
We need to install some building dependencies. Some of these might be already
installed; if they are, apt-get will skip over them.
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install curl build-essential libpcre3-dev libpcre++-dev
zlib1g-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev
Now go into the nginx directory and configure it to use the rtmp-module plugin
source before creating it. (Slashes are meant to be kept on the same line.)
# cd nginx-1.4.1
# sudo ./configure --prefix=/var/www \
--sbin-path=/usr/sbin/nginx \
--conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf \
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