Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Setting Up the Game Servers
As great as it would be to run a Counter Strike server on Pi, it is just not possible due
to the high requirements of running such game servers. Mostly, this is due to the
shortfall of RAM, but some servers also require powerful processors to deliver low
latency performance for all players, which could be up to 24 players per game.
In this chapter, you will be introduced to open source games that have been
developed by people with a passion for a particular genre of games. These
games were reverse engineered, built from scratch, or just became popular
due to their simplicity.
Updating to Jessie
At the time of writing this topic, the main distribution was Debian Wheezy;
but Debian Jessie was added around June 2013 for testing. A lot of game server
packages were updated only in Jessie because of newer dependencies.
You can upgrade the entire Pi to Jessie, but you are advised not to do this until the
official image is released. Instead, we will install selected, specific packages from
Jessie, while keeping the entire distribution stable in Wheezy. These steps can be
skipped if you are already using Jessie.
Selective settings
We should add the following two lines into /etc/apt/sources.list :
deb jessie main contrib
non-free rpi
deb jessie main contrib non-free
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