Agriculture Reference
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really wants an elaborate, and costly, pergola or other structure, you can point out that the dollars and
resources spent toward such a structure, while lovely, detract from the ultimate mission of the garden.
Additionally, your mission will impact the scope and types of partnerships you choose to pursue
or perhaps the types of funding for which you can apply. If your garden's mission is teaching families
about nutrition in order to decrease obesity and improve health, a partner selling unhealthy food
products is probably not a good fit—and your mission has pre-defined that for you.
Agenda for the Second Community Meeting
You're getting good at this agenda format by this point. Much of it will seem familiar and you can extempor-
ize in each section as needed. You may not need to address all the categories, and that's okay, just remember
the format should be used as a relevant template for all community meetings to establish order and organiza-
tion. Include as many of the agenda items as are applicable.
Introduce yourself and any teammates or special guests who will be leading or attending the meeting. Thank
people for coming. If something funny or memorable happened at the first meeting, recount that positive
event to rekindle the good feelings and outcomes.
Reiterate the outcomes of the first meeting and state the purpose of this second meeting: fleshing out the mis-
sion of the garden. This is a good time to remind people that we're not to the garden building stage just
yet—we're focusing on motives and mission first.
Cover meeting length, how off-topic comments will be handled, and any other information about group parti-
cipation. You might want to revisit the Attributes of a Successful Group ( p. 44 ).
Ask participants to quickly review the agenda and to suggest any items that need to be included.
If the group composition is similar to the first meeting, have everyone quickly restate their name and the or-
ganization they represent (if any). If there are new participants, ask them to introduce themselves and, if ap-
plicable, their organization, and to give a brief overview of their interest in the garden.
The action item for this second meeting is to work toward a mission statement and name for the garden.
Reiterate what everyone has agreed on during the meeting and recite the mission statement if you've gotten
to a final stage.
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