Agriculture Reference
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Discuss meeting length, how off-topic comments will be handled, and anything else you want to say about
group-participation approaches. Now might be a good time to share the Attributes of a Successful Group ( p.
44 ) , either by way of a handout or writing them on large easel paper.
At this first meeting, ask participants to quickly review the agenda and share any items that need to be added.
Depending on the number of attendees and the amount of time you have for the meeting, try to allow every-
one a chance to introduce themselves. If there are collectives or sub-groups in attendance, ask a representat-
ive from each group to state his or her name, the names of colleagues who are present, the group's name, its
mission, and a brief statement about their interest in the garden.
The action item for this first meeting is to help people get to know each other and start taking ownership of
the community garden. Right off the bat, they should be thinking about what or how they can contribute. If
you are following the Asset Based Community Development approach discussed in chapter 1 , give a brief
overview of that approach before the breakout.
After you've completed your action items, assess anything left outstanding from the agenda. These things
can be considered as agenda items for next time. Be sure to allow the group plenty of opportunity to add to
the recap.
If applicable, assign next steps to attendees. Your breakout exercise may uncover a variety of talents that can
help make the next meeting easier and more group driven. Next steps could include deploying some of this
talent for research or activities needed to make the following meeting effective.
Check schedules—and the seasonal calendar. If it's late in the spring, for example, you may need to
meet quickly (within the next few weeks). If seasonal considerations aren't as pressing, plan to meet
again four to six weeks out (that lets you continue to invite people who may not have been able to make
the first meeting). Remember that small-group get-togethers can happen in the meantime, with a repres-
entative reporting back at the next large meeting.
Time to thank everyone and express appreciation for their interest. Announce details of what will be
covered in the next meeting based on the recap, and add that it will be a working session around devel-
opment of the garden mission (if you've gotten to that point.)
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