Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Here is an example of running the same query in iSQL*Plus that you saw earlier
under SQL*Plus.
Notice that with iSQL*Plus, if only one SQL statement is being run at a time,
no semicolon is required. This would be the equivalent of typing / in a SQL*Plus
session after entering a SQL statement without a terminating semicolon. Also
notice that the area where commands are entered is a fixed size, regardless of how
many commands you are entering. Rest assured, as in SQL*Plus, this is easily con-
figurable. Just click the Preferences link in the upper-right corner of the browser to
change the command area size and other iSQL*Plus environment settings.
The Apache HTTP web server is used to host iSQL*Plus, as well as any other Oracle
web-enabled services on Microsoft Windows Oracle installations. Apache isn't just for
Unix anymore!
All of the examples later in this chapter and throughout the topic will use
iSQL*Plus as the tool for executing SQL commands and reports.
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