Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Write a SELECT statement with a built-in function or functions that will format the string 'Queen' with the
'!' character padded for a total of 20 characters on the left side and with the '?' character padded for a total
of 30 characters on the right. (Hint: Use nested functions.)
Answer: SELECT statement:
select rpad(lpad('Queen',20,'!'),30,'?') from dual;
10. What functionality does the Oracle TIMESTAMP datatype have over the DATE datatype?
Answer: The TIMESTAMP datatype stores the time in seconds to up to nine digits of precision.
Chapter 4
Rewrite the following expression using the CONCAT function.
last_name || ', ' || first_name
Answer: The expression is rewritten as:
concat(concat(last_name, ', '),first_name)
What are two ways that you can indicate a comment in a SQL command?
Answer: You can indicate a comment in a SQL command by using /* and */ or by using --.
The SQL engine converts the IN operator to a series of ________.
Answer: The SQL engine converts the IN operator to a series of OR operations.
Rewrite the following WHERE clause to be case insensitive.
where job_title like '%Manager%';
Answer: Use the UPPER function to convert the job title to uppercase:
where UPPER(job_title) like '%MANAGER%';
What is the only group function that counts NULL values in its calculation without using NVL or other
special processing?
Answer: The COUNT group function using the syntax COUNT(*) counts NULL values without using NVL.
The query results from using aggregate functions with a GROUP BY clause can be filtered or restricted by using
what clause?
Answer: The HAVING clause filters or restricts the query results of the GROUP BY clause.
Identify the two special characters used with the LIKE operator and describe what they do.
Answer: The % character matches zero or more characters, and the _ character matches exactly one character.
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