Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
In the BTITLE command, notice how Janice not only splits the iSQL*Plus com-
mand to a second line but also specifies more than one line in the report footer by
using the SKIP n option to skip to the next line. In other words, the report output
will skip to the next line before displaying additional text in the report footer. The
BTITLE command would also work just fine if it were all on one line. Janice split
it up so that the report specification was more readable to whoever may modify
this report in the future.
Column Formatting
The COLUMN command in iSQL*Plus has the following syntax:
COL[UMN] [{ column | expr } [ option ...]]
You can specify aliases for column headings in a query when an alias specified
as part of a SELECT statement itself is not sufficient. For example, you might
want the column alias to appear on two lines above the column's data instead of
on just one. The column values themselves can be formatted as left-justified,
right-justified, or centered. Numeric values that represent dollar amounts can be
formatted with the dollar sign character ($).
Janice makes some additional changes in the iSQL*Plus report she has been
working on all morning. She adds two COLUMN commands: one to specify a new
column alias for the department number column and the other to format the sal-
ary amounts with a dollar sign.
set feedback off
ttitle left 'Department Salary Report'
btitle left 'End Salary Report' skip 1 -
left 'Widgets-R-Us, Inc.'
column Dept heading 'Dept|Number'
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