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13 Aerosols, Global Climate,
and the Human Health
Co-Beneits of Climate
Change Mitigation* ,†
George D. Thurston and Michelle L. Bell
13.1 Overview............................................................................................................................... 345
13.2 Aerosols and Climate Change .............................................................................................. 346
13.3 Particulate Matter Health Effects ......................................................................................... 346
13.3.1 Short-Term Exposure Effects of PM......................................................................... 347
13.3.2 Long-Term Exposure Effects of PM ......................................................................... 348
13.3.3 Health Effects of PM Constituents ........................................................................... 349
13.4 Sulfates and Geoengineering of Climate Change ................................................................ 349
13.5 Ancillary Health Beneits of Climate Change Mitigation.................................................... 350
13.5.1 Framework of Climate Mitigation Co-Beneits Assessment .................................... 350
13.5.2 Studies of Health and Air Pollution Beneits of Climate Change Mitigation .......... 351
13.5.3 Monetary Valuations of Mitigation Co-Beneits ...................................................... 352
13.6 Implications .......................................................................................................................... 353
References...................................................................................................................................... 354
Aerosols are airborne suspensions of particulate matter (PM). They can have effects on both human
health and climate. Indeed, greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation steps can also provide more imme-
diate and localized health co-beneits to the localities that implement these mitigation measures,
especially in terms of reductions in PM air pollution and their associated adverse health impacts.
These co-beneits, if fully considered and quantiied, can potentially be a signiicant motivator to
encourage the near-term adoption of GHG measures. In addition, changes in aerosol concentra-
tions can result in their own short-term effects on climate change. In this chapter, we introduce the
principles of aerosol climate change and health effects, and present a framework for the estimation
of the ancillary health co-beneits that can be derived from various GHG strategies that result in
reductions of PM air pollution.
* Competing interests : The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors' contributions : Both authors made substantial contributions to the conception and design of this paper, were
involved in drafting and revising the manuscript, and have approved the inal version.
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