Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 2
In this chapter, we first review works on modeling 3D geometry of static
human faces in Section 1. Then, we introduce the face modeling tools in our
iFACE system. The models will later be used as the foundation for face analysis
and face animation in our 3D face processing framework. Finally, in Section 3,
we discuss future directions of 3D face modeling.
State of the Art
Facial modeling has been an active research topic of computer graphics
and computer vision for over three decades [DiPaola, 1991, Fua and Miccio,
1998, Lee et al., 1993, Lee et al., 1995, Lewis, 1989, Magneneat-Thalmann
et al., 1989, Parke, 1972, Parke, 1974, Parke and Waters, 1996, Badler and
Platt, 1981, Terzopoulos and Waters, 1990b, Todd et al., 1980, Waters, 1987].
A complete overview can be found in Parke and Waters' topic [Parke and Wa-
ters, 1996]. Traditionally, people have used interactive design tools to build
human face models. To reduce the labor-intensive manual work, people have
applied prior knowledge about human face geometry. DeCarlo et al. [DeCarlo
et al., 1998] proposed a method to generate face model based on face mea-
surements randomly generated according to anthropometric statistics. They
showed that they were able to generate a variety of face geometries using these
face measurements as constraints. With the advance of sensor technologies,
people have been able to measure the 3D geometry of human faces using 3D
range scanners, or reconstruct 3D faces from multiple 2D images using com-
puter vision techniques. In Section 1.1 and 1.2, we give a review of the works
of these two approaches.
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