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least square method. The operation of the histogram and the signature of the texture image
can facilitate the detection of classification thresholds. The main interest of the proposed
approach is that we have results that are approaching the best of the reality field; it also does not
require a serial multi-date SAR data for the realization of satellite image maps. The method was
successfully tested on two satellite images from two different sensors: one from the ESAR
program obtained at the resolution 6m and one other from the ERS-1 sensor of resolution 25 m.
A limitation of the classification approach lies at the empirical detection of local extrema. A
perspective would then be to automate the detection of the number of classes and local
Author details
Janvier Fotsing
Corresponding Author
University of Buea, Faculty of Science/Department of Physics, Cameroon
Emmanuel Tonye
University of Yaounde I, National Advanced School of Engineering,
Department of Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering, Cameroon
Bernard Essimbi Zobo
University of Yaounde I, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, Cameroon
Narcisse Talla Tankam
University of Dschang, Fotso Victor Institute of Technology, Department of Computer Sciences,
Jean-Paul Rudant
University of Marne-La-Vallée, Institut Francilien des Géosciences, France
This work was supported by the LETS laboratory of the National Advanced School of
Engineering of the University of Yaoundé I. We are also grateful unto the European Spatial
Agency (ESA) for the grant of SAR ERS-1 image used in this study.
7. References
Akono, A.; Tonyé, E.; Ndi Nyoungui, A. (2003). Nouvelle méthodologie d'évaluation des
paramètres de texture d'ordre trois. Internationnal Journal of Remote Sensing , vol.24, n°9,
pp. 1957-1967.
Akono, A.; Talla Tankam, N.; Tonyé, E.; Dzepa, C. (2005). Nouvel algorithme d'évaluation des
paramètres de texture d'ordre n sur la classification de l'occupation des sols de la région
volcanique du Mont Cameroun. Télédétection , vol. 5, n° 1-2-3, pp. 227-244, Avril 2005.
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